We are always looking for members to get involved in Goldsmiths UCU, and we will announce ways of doing so on Branch Meetings, as well as email and occasionally social media.
If your department does not currently have a Rep and you’d like to take up the position, email Hannah Dee, our branch administrator, to put yourself forward: h.dee@gold.ac.uk. Reps have dedicated meetings with the GUCU Exec every few weeks, which are useful contact points to exchange resources and advice across departments.
If you are interested in joining the Exec, the position of Environmental Officer is currently vacant. Exec positions are elected every year at the Annual General Meeting, and the terms last for one year. You can read more about the AGM in our Constitution.
We encourage members to be active participants in our branch, including outside the formal representative structures: we have various working groups which, in the past, have focused on issues ranging from gathering immigration advice for international students and staff to designing graphics for our social media. These working groups are vital aspects of the union, and your expertise is both welcome and needed –
More information about the GUCU’s working groups will be publicised throughout the autumn.