What is the Gold Paper?

The Gold Paper is a document produced collectively by a group of staff and students at Goldsmiths, University of London, in response to the privatisation and commodification of higher education in the UK, and at our own institution in particular. Against this process, the Gold Paper seeks to articulate a desirable and, we believe, achievable alternative vision of what our university could and should be. It is a statement of values, principles and proposals, starting with the premise that higher education is a public good, and that Goldsmiths should be governed first of all by a commitment to the extension of knowledge, understanding, creativity and social responsibility.

The Gold Paper is also a practical and campaigning document that both reflects and informs on-going efforts to effect change. Over the last year, these efforts have been focused on addressing mental health issues, democratising governance and addressing the housing crisis.

The Gold Paper is a grass roots endeavor that seeks to involve everyone in the college and local community. It is an open invitation to every reader to participate in the process of imagining, debating, and building a university in which we would be proud to work and study, and to whose flourishing we would feel intrinsically and actively committed.

You can read or download a copy of the Gold Paper here.

The Gold Paper group meets regularly. To find out more or get involved email: gucu-admin@gold.ac.uk

Here is a list of Gold Paper events taking place in the autumn term 2018.

What's happening?

Gold Paper Latest

Report on Review of Goldsmiths Finances

GUCU commissioned an independent review by THP Chartered Accountants of Goldsmiths College public accounts and information received from the Finance team on staffing costs. A follow-up meeting was also held …