Goldsmiths management have announced ‘The Transformation Programme,’ plans to make over 25% of academic staff redundant as part of the second restructure in as many years. This is the biggest assault on jobs at any UK university in recent years. Analysts who have seen the information provided by management say there is no financial imperative for the cuts, calling the move a highly risky strategy. A quarter of academic jobs to be cut at Goldsmiths. Modules and degree programmes ‘deleted.’ This threatens not just the future of Higher Education, but Britain’s global reputation as a centre of artistic excellence. 

  1. Information
  2. News
  3. Solidarity
  4. History


Goldsmiths management has a long history of reckless restructuring, as outlined in this presentation and in our archive page. Time and again, ‘finances’ are used as an excuse. Financial decision making has been in the hands of the Warden and those decisions have been questionable over the years, as this outline of financial history records. The current plans are chaotic and risky, as this presentation summarises. 

Goldsmiths UCU is resisting this vandalism. We outline here the strategy and range of actions. 



The most immediate support resides in contributing to our support fund, so members are reassured that they can take on industrial action to challenge the ‘Transformation Programme’ and the loss of posts and programmes it entails. But there are many other ways you can help resist this vandalism, depending on your relation to Goldsmiths:


Goldsmiths UCU has a long history of challenging restructures and salvaging the critical & creative university from short-sighted restructures. We outline these efforts in our archive.