Emergency Motion on Trade Union Rights at Goldsmiths

Goldsmiths ucu log

This motion was passed at GUCU Branch meeting on 12/01/2024

Goldsmiths UCU branch notes that:

  • This motion was passed by Goldsmiths UCU on Friday 15 December, which resolved for branch officers to write to the chair of Council, Dinah Caine, asking for (1) a full explanation of the significant delay in the College issuing a formal apology to Des Freedman and Gholam Khiabany; (2) a detailed account of “the lessons learned”’ to which the apology refers; and (3) “formal reassurance that staff who act responsibly within the context of institutional failures…will not be suspended or otherwise disciplined”.
  • The chair of Council responded on Tuesday 19 December that “the issuing of the apology reflects the time the College has needed to take to fully investigate these serious matters”.
  • Her response further states that, as a consequence of the “lessons learned” from this investigation, the College will undertake “a review of both Statute 16 and its HR policies and how these interact”, provide further training on the ACAS guidance on suspension for POD, SMT and the Legal and Governance teams, and “develop policy and guidance around trade union activities undertaken by Heads of Department.”
  • The chair of Council concluded that these steps “should provide reassurance that members of staff who act responsibly will not be suspended or otherwise disciplined”.

This branch believes that:

  • Rather than reassure staff, the response constitutes a serious threat both to the protections offered by Statute 16 to all staff who fall under its articles and to the legitimate right of Heads of Department to engage in trade union activity.
  • The chair of Council’s response does not offer a meaningful guarantee that staff who “act responsibly” and engage in legitimate trade union activity will not be targeted for disciplinary action in the future, particularly given the finding that there was no case to answer against Des and Gholam.
  • There is a need to clarify the basis on which a further “investigation” was launched by the College and whether ACAS guidelines on suspension were followed or not in relation to Des and Gholam.

This branch resolves to:

  • Ask if Council has been given oversight of the processes of investigation and their findings and whether they have been discussed. If they have not, to ask her as chair to ensure that Council does so as a matter of urgency. 
  • Point out that GUCU members must be protected from Trade Union victimisation and to ask for categorical reassurance that no such victimisation was identified by the investigations undertaken by College. 
  • Assert that confidentiality is not at issue. As with the findings of the original investigation and its conclusions, the sensitive elements such reports can be redacted while the central lessons can be shared publicly.
  • Seek formal guarantees that the trade union rights of all staff, including Heads of Department, will not be negatively affected.
  • That Statute 16 will continue to operate as the main framework for considering disciplinary cases for those who currently fall under its provisions.
  • Approach UCU nationally to seek advice on the consequences of the chair of Council’s proposed actions for all affected UCU members.