Goldsmiths UCU International Work
The GUCU International Rep was a position created in 2017 as a response to the growing pressures on international staff working in higher education in the UK. The international reps advocate for the equal treatment on staff regardless of nationality, ethnicity, and/or race. The Reps are dedicated to ensuring that employers provide equal duty of care to U.K. and non-U.K. staff, and to minimise harassment in the workplace. In addition to organising around issues such as Brexit and immigration, the International Reps are also available to support Goldsmiths’ network of international colleagues. Some of GUCU’ campaigning priorities are outlined in the immigration sector of the Gold Paper (pg.31-33).
We currently have a vacancy for International Officer. If you are interested please contact
If you need support or advice with any of these issues please contact GUCU at and we will put you in touch with the right person.