The GUCU Hardship Fund supports members currently undertaking a Marking and Assessment Boycott to oppose Goldsmiths Senior Management Team’s (SMT) intention to make compulsory redundancies equivalent to 132 jobs. With half the academic staff now in scope and facing losing their job, SMT have chosen to retaliate with 50% deductions to pay throughout the length of the action.
We are calling on members of the public, as well as other ucu branches and sister trade unions to donate to our fund. The more money we raise, the more confident members can be that they have the support needed to win this crucial fight. Thank you for your donations!
How to donate
Donations can be made via bank transfer, cheque, or via our online form.
Account details for bank transfer:
Name: UCU Goldsmith College Hardship Fund
Account number: 20392303
Sort code 60-83-01
We have set up a Gofundme page where supporters can donate
Online form:
Cheques payable to:
UCU Goldsmith College Hardship Fund
Office 4
18 Laurie Grove
London, SE14 6NH
How to further support
- If you are a ucu member at another branch, encourage your branch to carry this solidarity motion with Goldsmiths ucu.
- Sign and spread this open letter in support of Goldsmiths University and what we stand for.