DRAFT EMAIL (to be adapted)

Dear Geoff,

I am writing to you to express my dismay at the slow progress on key issues discussed at the Pay Forum. I am particularly concerned at the lack of progress on the development of new equality-proofed policy on promotion criteria and procedures to fulfill the requirements of the Framework Agreement. This has resulted in the delay of this year’s promotion round (following on from no promotion-round for academic-related staff last year).

New promotion criteria and procedures that are transparent and objective are critical to the delivery of equality within the College. This was fully acknowledged in the Framework Agreement and it is shocking that these are now so delayed that they are throwing the entire promotion round into jeopardy. If no immediate progress is made on this issue, there will not be adequate time for consultation with staff and unions leading to the possibility that Goldsmiths will not be able to fulfill its contractual obligation to hold an annual promotion round this year. This would be simply unacceptable.

Similarly, progress on issues relating to hourly paid staff, a group of workers that Goldsmiths relies heavily upon, is also way behind schedule.

I voted in favour of the Framework Agreement last April in good faith that the outstanding issues noted above would be addressed within the time scales stated in the document. In the case of promotions, this is stated as being by the start of the academic year 2008/9; for hourly-paid staff, June 2008. These deadlines have not been met. I would like your reassurance that these issues will be dealt with substantively at the next meeting of the pay forum.

best wishes

GUCU member

12 February 2009