UCU represents academic and academic-related staff, including those on part-time and fixed-term contracts.

You can join UCU online here or, alternatively, you can download the form and send it via internal mail to: UCU Office, 32 Lewisham Way. There are answers to some frequently asked questions about becoming a member.

The subscription is made up of a national subscription and local subscription, both on a sliding scale. Monthly subscription rates are based on your income (excluding London Weighting); Goldsmiths also charges £2.00 local subs for those earning above £10,000 p.a.. PhD students are entitled to free membership, as are students intending to work in further or higher education. The current national subscription rates are available here; the current additional local subscription rates are available here.

Once you join, you will be subscribed to the GUCU email list. It is a low-volume list so you will not be inundated.

Existing members: to update your details (address changes, etc.) first register an online account here, then update your record here. You will need your membership number; if you don’t have this please get in touch at gucu-admin@gold.ac.uk.