Goldsmiths UCU is currently in dispute with management in relation to a programme of cuts, centralisation and redundancies, “Evolving Goldsmiths”, that has been introduced without meaningful consultation. We are currently preparing for a local ballot for industrial action aimed at suspending the programme and encouraging discussions with staff (and students) on the future of our institution.

There has been huge opposition to the programme since it was published. We will make documents available as and when we receive them.

If you have suggestions in relation to the “Evolving Goldsmiths” programme and concrete proposals about what kind of Goldsmiths you’d like to see, please do email them to

A proposal for collective change making (initiated. by the Professors’ Forum, 28 April)

GUCU statement on the “closure” of the Evolving Goldsmiths programme (22 April)

Collective statement signed by 573 members of staff in response to Warden’s letter of 6 April (17 April)

Collection of responses to Warden’s letter of 6 April (17 April)

Professors’ Forum Steering Group letter to Warden and SMT (7 April)

Timeline: Communications

Agenda and notes of ProForum meeting with SMT (3 April)

Professors’ Forum Steering Group letter to Warden and SMT (3 April)

Professors’ Forum letter to Council (1 April 2020, ahead of Council meeting on 2 April)

Professors’ Forum letter to Council (26 March 2020)

Professors’ Forum letter to Dinah Caine, chair of Council (21 March 2020)

GUCU submission on ‘School Restructuring’ (19 March 2020)

‘Involving Goldsmiths’ group: second mass signatory letter (17 March 2020)

Professors’ Forum founding statement (10 March 2020)

Financial analysis (9 March 2020)

Goldsmiths Race Equality Group letter to SMT (February 2020)

Evolving Goldsmiths: Notice of ‘Failure To Agree’ (28 February 2020)

Statement by Academic Board members (27 February 2020)

Letter to Chair of Council from Professors (21 February 2020)

Response from the Department Business Manager, Department of Art (14 February 2020)

Open Letter to SMT from Goldsmiths professors (13 February 2020)

 Letter from approximately 600 Goldsmiths staff to SMT (10 February 2020)



An Alternative to Evolving Goldsmiths: Doing Higher Education Our Way (2020)

The Gold Paper (2018)

Civil Society Futures (2018)

Arnstein’s Ladder of Citizen Participation (1969)