Goldsmiths UCU Emergency General Meeting, 3rd November 2010

Apologies: AC, MF, KM

1. Motion on lobbying the government

proposed Natalie Fenton, Seconded: Ben Levitas

Comments (VO) Research should be conducted on a European level.

Passed Unanimously. VO’s comments to be brought up at the Higher Education Sector Conference.

2. Motion #3: Campaigning Against Cuts

Amendment from TA: Part 1 rejected; Part 2 accepted unanimously; Part 3 accepted overwhelmingly.

Amendment from MP accepted unanimously.

Amended motion text:


This branch notes:

The Coalition government is planning savage cuts to Higher Education and the welfare state more broadly that will greatly exacerbate social inequality. Also predicted is the dismantling of university-based initial teacher education against overwhelming evidence of its effectiveness.
This branch believes:

That broad-based resistance is necessary to successfully oppose these cuts. This includes co-ordination with other trade unions, anti-cuts groups and other grass-roots organisations, as well as communication with activists opposing austerity regimes in other countries.

This branch resolves:

To co-ordinate, with the Coalition of Resistance, a large public meeting with Tony Benn later this term to oppose the cuts;

To endorse Tony Benn’s Coalition of Resistance Statement (see

To send delegates to the 27 November anti-cuts conference, and to Right to Work conference, National Shop Stewards conference and other anti-cuts campaigns

To affiliate to the Lewisham Anti Cuts Alliance and Lewisham Right to Work.

4. Motion for Higher Education Sector conference (Motion #2):

Passed unanimously.

Des Freedman to attend the Higher Education Sector Conference as Goldsmiths UCU delegate.

5. Report back from JNCC:

SMT has refused to conduct a local ballot of USS, or to give the union the resources to conduct a local ballot. With the funding cuts, Goldsmiths is at risk as all subjects taught are Band C subjects.

Voluntary Severance Scheme: 170 expressions of interest; 18 applications approved with £250,000 of savings per year.

6. AOB:

Tidemill: We need to support the campaign against Tidemill School being turned into an Academy. In order to do so, as many people as possible need to fill out the consultation forms and submit them by 15 Nov. You don’t have to be a parent (there is a box to tick for ‘community’ for Deptford/New Cross residents). For more information (and to download a form) see

You can also fill out the consultation form online at:

Emergency Students’ Union Meeting

The students are holding an emergency meeting at 2PM in LG02. All staff welcome.