Emergency Motion in Solidarity with Student-led Goldsmiths for Palestine group and their Occupation of the Professor Stuart Hall Building

This motion was passed at a GUCU Branch meeting on 29/02/2024

Goldsmiths UCU branch notes:

  • That the student-led Goldsmiths for Palestine occupation is a response to SMT’s disingenuous positioning about the complete scholasticide and ongoing genocide taking place in the Occupied Territories of Palestine. 
  • UCU Congress’ motions 8 and 9 (2023) supporting BDS and protests against Israeli oppression of Palestinians and motion 13 (2021) against the IHRA anti-Semitism ‘working definition’. https://www.ucu.org.uk/CeasefireNow 
  • UCU supports recent walkout campaigns on both 7 & 20 February organised by Stop the War and Palestine Solidarity Campaign, respectively. 
  • UCU supports the forthcoming International Women’s Day March 8th day of action across campus nationally in solidarity with women of Palestine.

This Branch believes:

  • That SMT’s position disregards their duty of care towards students, and has stifled critical and open discussion about human rights atrocities being committed by Israeli Defence Forces.
  • That three-quarters of all Britons call for a ceasefire, yet the Higher Education minister is an outspoken Zionist pressuring HEI’s across the country to stifle any Palestinian voices or concerns.
  • Building inter-school grassroots solidarity networks with students is vital for mobilising support for academic freedom on campuses, opening discussions, and hearing from overlooked and repressed voices.
  • We must show solidarity with our colleagues and students who are facing this ongoing state sanctioned violence, destruction of the education sector in Gaza and political repression across historical Palestine, and that this is key to the future of education everywhere.
  • Engaging in and supporting the occupation is key to rebuilding networks of camaraderie and conviviality within and across departments and schools at Goldsmiths, while continuing to pressure SMT on the existence of rooted institutional racism.

This Branch resolves:

  • To unequivocally support Goldsmiths for Palestine (G4P), their occupation of the Professor Stuart Hall building, and their demands.
  • To call on all members to support in any way possible, including donations of food, bedding and/or money; organising a screening or teach-out; and sharing the occupation’s demands and their open letter widely.
  • To make a donation of £500 to G4P to sustain the occupation and their ongoing work for freedom of speech on campus.
  • ⁠To robustly resist any policing of, or punitive action towards, the occupation by management.