I Object Workload Pledge [email template]

cut & paste this email :

cc: Line Manager

Head of Department


Dear Line Manager,

You have asked me to take on additional workload this term. 

My union is currently in dispute with management about the significant and unacceptable reduction in staffing levels imposed for at least the next academic year. This is in turn leading to an unacceptable increase in workload for remaining staff, and a fundamentally changed balance between teaching and research & scholarship. 

There has also been a failure by Management to conduct Equalities Impact Assessments on these staff cost saving measures, which my union believes disproportionately affect women, black and PoC staff. 

I object to taking on additional work this term on these grounds. 

I expect the College to work to resolve the dispute with UCU, to ensure adequate staffing levels are maintained this year, and that Equalities Impact Assessment are carried out with any indirectly discriminatory policies reversed immediately.

