Motion to support local strike action if 100% deductions are not withdrawn

Goldsmiths ucu log

This motion was passed by a GUCU Branch Meeting on Monday, 15 May 2023

This branch notes:

  1. Goldsmiths management have stated that they reserve the right to make 100% salary deductions for 3 weeks from those participating in the marking and assessment boycott (MAB).
  2. Goldsmiths management will use the opt-out system to carry out these deductions.
  3. The opt-out system has been unnecessarily punitive and dysfunctional. It has risked widespread erroneous deductions of wages despite GUCU sending a legal pre-action letter drawing this to the attention of management.  
  4. Goldsmiths management could use their influence to insist UCEA re-open negotiations on pay and conditions with UCU.
  5. UCU national have formally agreed an escalation strategy to respond to threats of disproportionate punitive deductions which includes supporting branches to take strike action.
  6. This strategy enables branches to take strike action without carrying out a local ballot. Based on a strongly supported motion in favour of taking strike action, branches will be able to give two weeks notice of strike action to employers.

This branch believes:

  1. That the deductions policy is aggressive, disproportionate, likely unlawful, and clearly designed to undermine the right to engage in industrial action.
  2. That even the threat of such disproportionate deductions is itself a harm against members of staff and has already damaged their health, wellbeing, and goodwill.
  3. That strong industrial pressure is needed to force management to abandon their policy.
  4. That strike action will collectivise the response to the deductions faced by individual members and will demonstrate that management’s attempt to minimise disruption and deter industrial action has failed. 
  5. That the threat of strike alongside a MAB will shift management’s position on deductions 

This branch resolves to:

  1. To take strike action unless we are told definitively and no later than the 2nd of June that there will not be 100% deductions for the MAB.
  2. To communicate the branch’s willingness to take strike action unless management drops the threat of 100% deductions.