Passed at a quorate branch meeting 26.10.2022
Proposer: Vincent Møystad
Seconder: Roberto Mozzachiodi
This Branch Notes
Anthony Braithwaite, Lewisham resident, bus driver, trade unionist, and father, has been struggling to secure adequate council housing to support his family for four years in the face of council intransigence. Anthony and his family have previously faced eviction, but have resisted this with the help of Lewisham Trades Council, London Renters’ Union, Unite and the Campaign for Truth and Justice.
Anthony is currently raising funds to pursue a legal challenge on the grounds that he and his family have been failed by the council on several counts:
*section 63 of the Family Law Act 1996.
*Children Act 1989 & 2004
*section 91(14) of the Children Act 1989
This Branch Believes
Secure housing is a fundamental right. In the current economic and social climate working people in particular are faced with enormous challenges, and as trade unionists it is our duty to support fellow trade unionists in these struggles. Furthermore, this branch believes that it is our responsibility to support struggles for housing in our local community.
This Branch Resolves
To make a donation of 500 GBP towards Anthony’s legal costs, and to publicise the case and the fundraising campaign to our members and the wider community through our social media channels.