UCU Emergency Motion: Development of a Goldsmiths Creative Hub, as contravention of (a) civic role the College and (b) proclamations of bio-diversity, the College has pledged to.
We have heard from the owners of Out of the Brew that Goldsmiths has terminated the contract with them on short notice to construct a creative hub in the garden, thus building over the garden. Out of the Brew have been told it is uncertain at the moment if they will be invited back into the building once the works have been completed. They were told of this decision only a month ago.
As a place that brings together staff, students and members of the community to socialise, work, and organise, the cafe is a civic space that holds significance for many at Goldsmiths and the local community. Moreover, the garden behind Out of the Brew and NX 310 is one of the few quiet green spaces close to the College in a heavily polluted environment.
Goldsmiths has proudly signed the civic university agreement and we urge the College to demonstrate the values that it espouses. Under the agreement, the university pledges, among other things, to “work with local anchor institutions, businesses and community organisations”. Specifically, under the agreement the College pledges that “Our civic role will be informed by an evidence-based analysis of the needs of our place, developed collaboratively with local partners and informed by the voice of our local community.”
We doubt that the sudden termination of the contract is in the spirit of this pledge.
We urge the college to re-consider its actions and act in the spirit of the civic university agreement and in line with its commitment to a green future, and to consult more widely on what to do with the precious space on New Cross road.
To be discussed at GUCU branch meeting 18.12.2019